Connected @ Home

your own workout video library…

Welcome to your online library of guided workouts and exercise tutorials to supplement your regular taught classes. It is aimed at giving you short, focused bursts of movement so you can do your homework wherever you are, whenever you like.

how it works…

When you sign up for a course or package of classes, you also gain access to Connected @ Home. Your password will arrive with your purchase confirmation.

In the library, you’ll find a growing collection of levelled short mat workouts, some purely mat, some focusing on a particular piece of small apparatus such as hand weights / food tins. Or you might choose to follow a video focusing on stretches or unravelling after a day at the desk. All four of us will be adding content regularly to keep your home workouts fresh.

This offering is uniquely for our own clients who we know and teach regularly, so you can be sure that we're adding relevant content to challenge you and complement your regular taught classes.